I love wandering forest trails attuned to the subtle seasonal changes and quietly awed by the unseen relationships that exist around me. Captivated by the beauty and mystery of the woods, I have complied this collection of abstract images of fallen leaves which hint, simply, at the hidden connections at the heart of every forest. Shaped by wind, moisture, temperature, wildlife and the vast fungal networks that fan out beneath the forest floor, this rich interdependent community of life is everywhere.
The images displayed here were captured using my camera as a paintbrush, incorporating movement, double exposures and shifting focal planes with the goal of capturing the ineffable rather than the familiar. There are hidden overlays which hint at the various aspects of the forest referenced. The images were shot with a compact mirrorless camera using only natural light. The process itself is unpredictable. Colors change dramatically with shifting light, shapes morph and blend with the camera motion, each image a product of artistic alchemy, as mysterious and inspiring as the forest itself.
Note: The leaves used were collected on the trails of Jack London State Historic Park.